Wasabi Wallet - Your Bitcoin Privacy Guardian - us

Wasabi Wallet stands out as a privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet that empowers users to take control of their financial privacy.

Wasabi Wallet is a privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet that emphasizes anonymity and security. Launched in 2018, Wasabi Wallet has gained popularity among users who prioritize privacy and want to enhance the fungibility of their Bitcoin holdings. Here's an overview of Wasabi Wallet, covering its key features, benefits, and the philosophy behind its design.

Privacy and Fungibility

One of the primary objectives of Wasabi Wallet is to enhance the privacy and fungibility of Bitcoin transactions. Fungibility is the property of a good or asset that makes each unit interchangeable with another of the same type. In the context of Bitcoin, fungibility ensures that every coin is indistinguishable from another, preventing the tracing of transaction history. Wasabi achieves this by implementing a technique known as CoinJoin.

CoinJoin Technology

CoinJoin is a privacy protocol that allows multiple users to combine their Bitcoin transactions into a single transaction. This makes it difficult to trace the origin and destination of individual coins, enhancing privacy. Wasabi Wallet utilizes a modified version of CoinJoin called Chaumian CoinJoin, named after David Chaum, a pioneer in the field of cryptography.

In a Wasabi CoinJoin transaction, several participants combine their coins into a single transaction, and the outputs are mixed in a way that makes it nearly impossible to determine which input belongs to which participant. This process breaks the link between the sender and receiver, significantly improving privacy and fungibility.

Trustless Model

Wasabi Wallet operates on a trustless model, meaning users do not need to trust a centralized authority with their funds or privacy. Unlike traditional custodial wallets, where a third party has control over your private keys, Wasabi Wallet is non-custodial. Users retain full control of their private keys, ensuring that they have complete ownership and sovereignty over their Bitcoin.

User Experience

Wasabi Wallet focuses on providing a user-friendly experience while prioritizing privacy. The wallet has a clean and intuitive interface, making it accessible to both experienced Bitcoin users and newcomers. The installation process is straightforward, and users can get started with the wallet without extensive technical knowledge.

Open Source and Community-driven

Wasabi Wallet is an open-source project, allowing anyone to review the code for security and privacy assurance. The open nature of the project encourages collaboration and contributions from the community, fostering a transparent and trustworthy ecosystem.

Built-in Coin Control

Wasabi Wallet includes a feature known as Coin Control, which gives users granular control over the selection of inputs when sending a transaction. This feature allows users to choose specific coins they want to include in a transaction, further enhancing privacy and avoiding unintended linkage between different parts of their Bitcoin holdings.

Continuous Improvement

The development team behind Wasabi Wallet is committed to continuous improvement and regularly releases updates to address security vulnerabilities, enhance performance, and introduce new features. The active development and community engagement contribute to the wallet's reliability and relevance in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape.


Wasabi Wallet stands out as a privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet that empowers users to take control of their financial privacy. By implementing CoinJoin technology, embracing a trustless model, and providing a user-friendly experience, Wasabi Wallet contributes to the broader goal of making Bitcoin transactions more private and fungible. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to evolve, Wasabi Wallet remains a crucial tool for those who prioritize privacy and seek to maximize the fungibility of their Bitcoin holdings

Last updated